Frequently Asked Question

We specialize in selling premium-aged social media accounts, including: Instagram Accounts (2012-2020) Twitter Accounts (2007-2025) Verified and secure accounts with clean IPs

All orders are delivered automatically and instantly after purchase. You will receive login credentials along with any necessary verification details.

Each account includes: ✅ Username | Password | Email | Mail Password | ct0 | auth_token | 2FA URL | Secret Code

Yes! All accounts are mail-verified, ensuring secure access.

Yes, you can customize some features such as gender (Male/Female) for Twitter accounts.

Do not use public verification tools or unauthorized proxies. Screen recording is required during purchase for warranty claims. Accounts must be verified within 1 hour of purchase.

Check the email associated with the account and verify the login. If needed, reset the password via the platform's official "Forgot Password" option.

✔️ Verification Time: Accounts must be verified within 1 hour. ✔️ Manual Checks: All accounts are checked before delivery. ✔️ Password Issues: If login fails, try refreshing or resetting the password. ✔️ Screen Recording Required: You must record your purchase process for any disputes. ✔️ No Disputes Without Proof: Any dispute requires valid recorded video proof. ✔️ Old Email Status: Old email credentials are correct but may be inactive.

We accept Cryptomus and other secure online payment options. Chargebacks and fraudulent disputes will lead to account termination & IP bans.

Due to the nature of digital goods, all sales are final. Refunds are only issued if there is a verified system-wide failure.

Yes, all accounts are created with clean IPs, verified emails, and secure login credentials, ensuring maximum safety.

If you have any issues or inquiries, please reach out via our official support channels. ⚠️ Important: Failure to follow security guidelines voids your warranty.